What happens in Vegas should be spread to the world.
Join us at the 27th Building Envelope Contractors (BEC) Conference in Las Vegas, March 2-4, for THE education and networking event for the glazing industry. We’re celebrating the absence of anisotropies in tempered glass! While others are busy explaining away anisotropies—calling them “effects, not defects”—we kept it simple: We didn’t want them. So we got rid of them.
Put on your polarized sunglasses and see the difference for yourself.
Perfect uniformity never looked so good
sedak tempered+ represents a new generation of toughened glass, where visual and mechanical properties are consistent from any angle. It's the promise of a harmonious relationship between architecture and glass, where aesthetics and functionality coexist seamlessly. sedak tempered+ signifies more than a product; it's a leap forward in glass technology to celebrate the transparency of one of the most favorite materials in architecture.