All-Glass Balustrade - Apple Store, Glasgow
Apple Retail Store – Glasgow, UK

glass balustrade connects old and new

Along with London, Glasgow ranks as one of the UK’s most attractive shopping centres, with Buchanan Street being considered the most exquisite shopping address in the city.

In the middle of a historic building dating back more than 150 years, the architects Bohlin Cywinsky Jackson planned a state-of-the-art branch featuring a narrow ground plan, at the end of which stands a filigree-style, all-glass staircase. Two clamps bracing the sideways abutting, all-glass guardrails are fixed onto the 12mm stainless-steel rods which hangs the stairs under the ceiling. The suspended ceiling and the rails merge into one and lend the whole construction an uncanny lightness. Old and new are combined with timeless, elegant transparency, without marring the view of the structure and the beauty of the old architecture.

Furthermore, chemically hardened glass creates distortion-free optical characteristics.


Apple Inc.


Bohlin Cywinksi Jackson

Scope of sedak

► Hanging, spiraled, all-glass stairs
► Glass balustrade